measuring instruments of various physical quantities
Healthcare, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, Food and Feed industry
Calibration is the determination of the deviation of a measuring instrument from the international standard. Generally applicable protocols have been established for almost all quantities.
If you have a measuring instrument, you are obliged according to your quality system to ensure that your measuring instrument measures correctly. With a calibration of the measuring instrument, the deviation is determined and tested against the tolerances that you have established. We take the measurement uncertainty into account. If you have not determined any tolerances, we will be pleased to assist you.
Healthcare, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, Food & Feed industry
Within the healthcare, life sciences, pharmaceutical, food and animal feed industries, calibration is required to meet quality standards. It is precisely within these sectors that our customers need to be sure that all measuring instruments measure reliably. This is important to avoid failure costs and problems with customers, but above all for the safety of customers or patients. This is a major responsibility for organizations that we take very seriously at Richmond.
Many organizations have calibration performed annually. However, a measuring instrument must simply always measure properly. The best possible way at the moment is to maintain a frequency that is tailored to the specific application, your desired accuracy and the intensity of use. We can determine the optimal frequency together with you.
The Richmond quality management system and its application are certified by TÜV Nederland NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 for the maintenance, repair and calibration of measuring instruments and for the validation of critical process parameters such as pressure, temperature, mass, volume and flow.
Richmond can perform certified calibrations in its own workshop or at your location. Together we determine what is best. With calibration on location, we coordinate when this is most convenient to you, your work can continue as normal as possible.
You will receive a Calibration Certificate per instrument as proof.
If there is a deviation, Richmond can adjust or repair your measuring instrument.
Contact us for more information, professional advice or a no-obligation quote. Call 074 – 291 30 86, or send an email to, or use the contact form below.
Are you new to us? Then we follow the following procedure:
- During a no-obligation introductory meeting we will discuss your activities and your wishes, needs and specific requirements;
- Together we determine whether we can mean something for each other. Richmond stands for a fast and flexible customized service and attaches great importance to personal attention;
- • We discuss an action plan and put it in writing. Our equipment and procedures have been developed with the idea that calibration should not stand alone. The integration of all relevant standards and guidelines in the system and a handy report generator make fast and efficient measurements possible;
- • Once the plan of approach is approved, we will write out the calibration protocol. This describes exactly what we will measure, what the measurements will be tested against and how we will report to you;
- • If the calibration protocol is approved, we will, in consultation with you, schedule the calibrations at your location or in our workshop. Of course, we would also like to hear at what times we least disturb your work. The calibrations can be scheduled periodically or on demand;
- • If the planning is also approved, our expert calibration engineers will get to work with a high-quality measuring system. This guarantees correct and accurate measurement results;
- A high-quality measurement system and an expert guarantee correct and accurate measurement results, which are available immediately after the measurements to assess the calibration and to release the processes;
- We then collect the results in a complete calibration final report;
- • Naturally, our results are objective and we treat them discreetly. If desired, these are also explained orally;
- If the results are good, you know that you have everything in order and you will receive a Calibration Certificate per instrument from us;
- •If there are points for improvement or tips from our engineers, we will advise and help with the implementation, if so desired.
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